Fridays for the Future talks

Friday for the Future talks link in with demonstrations in Durham city Market Place. Climate Action Durham is organising a series of talks on a wide variety of subjects. Details will be published when known all will be at 1pm, venues vary.
Jack Hughes
Climate Action Durham welcomed Jack Hughes, a PHD student and researcher in Psychology and Behavioural Science at Durham University. For presentation click on link.
Friday 17th June 2022
Jonathan Elmer
Green Party Councillor Durham County Council
'Let's talk Climate Change - How to persuade politicians to act'
date 8th August 2022
Solar Panels - are they for you?
Local resident and owner of solar panels Gavin Wakefield shared his practical experience of what to consider, what to do and what to avoid doing when installing solar panels on the roof of your house. Now here is the very practical climate action we are all craving for. For more details click on the link.
Jackie Bell
Durham Energy Institute Durham University. For presentation click on link.
Friday 4th November 2022 at 1pm Arlington House,
4 North Bailey, Durham, DH1 3ET
Stand off at Sniperley Park Development
Cllr Grenville Holland is giving a talk about the debacle over the application for development at Sniperley - a huge site beside the P&R site. The confrontation is about the Council's demand for higher standards of sustainable construction, which the developers don't accept. CAD supported the position of DCC via their online petition earlier this year. For presentation click on link.
3rd March 2023
"Don't waste your waste" a talk on recycling and waste management by Jon-Paul Clarey from DCC waste management team
This was an illustrated talk about largely kerbside general waste and recycling.
Highlights: no waste goes to landfill, all general waste is incinerated for energy at Haverton Hill plant in Hartlepool.
Recycling is sorted and recycled by Biffa under contract.
see presentation here
13th January 2023
Mary Foy MP for Durham
Open discussion
3rd February 2023